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BnG Mint & Refinery launch of Silvo's

BnG Mint & Refinery launch of Silvo's

System 01/07/2024 2
Bucks 'n Gems Silvo 1/10th ounce Silver series will be released at the Durban Coin show this coming 14 July 2024 , a mintage of 500 is planned for release on the day , with a special DBN colorized mint mark and a normal silvo mintage of 999 pieces . Silvo's are 1/10oz pure 999.9 silver and are prooflike , certified by imprint and certificate accompanied with product , these stunning affordable silver medallions are perfect for storing and collecting , a number of series will be made available for purchase within the coming years. 1st we would like to start with a series called 1 Silvo featuring a bold and captavating 1 with a "s" for silvo, then the special mint mark adding a DBN in color and special certificate and mintage for the mint mark Silvo, secondly the colorized series 1oz pure 999.9 Silver Aquatic series of South Africa , featuring a map of the world ,focusing on South Africa and the blue warm and cold waters surrounding the country on both sides , there after a second issue of the Aquatic series of South Africa , will be the Big 5 marine of SA , featuring the Great White Shark in its natural habitat on a Silver coin , then we will be producing the rest of the series over the next couple years, keep an eye out on the blogs to find out on the rest of the big 5 and the 1oz pure 999.9 Silver colorized Aquatic Series of South Africa...
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buying and selling bitcoins for ZAR

buying and selling bitcoins for ZAR

System 15/09/2014 0
Bitcoin is a digital and global money system currency. ... Money can be exchanged without being linked to a real identity. The mathematical field of cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin's security.A pseudonymous software developer going by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto proposed bitcoin in 2008, as an electronic payment system based on mathematical proof. The idea was to produce a means of exchange, independent of any central authority, that could be transferred electronically in a secure, verifiable and immutable way.To this day, no-one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto really is.In what ways is it different from traditional currencies?Bitcoin can be used to pay for things electronically, if both parties are willing. In that sense, it's like conventional dollars, euros, pounds, or even South African Rand , which are also traded digitally.But it differs from fiat digital currencies in several important ways:Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is conducted on a public ledger, the "blockchain." Digitally transferred, it exists only online. Much like gold, it can have monetary value while also being a commodity, but it’s still its own currency. It is also decentralized and not managed by a single entity, but rather a group of people who process transactions, called miners. This means it is not subject to government regulations when traded or spent, and you don't need a bank to use it.As a new user, you can get started with Bitcoin without understanding the technical details. Once you've installed a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it will generate your first Bitcoin address and you can create more whenever you need one. You can disclose your addresses to your friends so that they can pay you or vice versa. In fact, this is pretty similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin addresses should be used only once.Miners are in charge of making sure bitcoin transactions made by users are recorded and legit. Simply put, they do this by grouping every new bitcoin transaction made during a set time frame into a block. Once a block is made, it is added to the chain, which is linked together with a complex cryptography. This chain of blocks is the public ledger, and its extreme complexity is what currently protects transactions.With bitcoin, on the other hand, the supply is tightly controlled by the underlying algorithm. A small number of new bitcoins trickle out every hour, and will continue to do so at a diminishing rate until a maximum of 21 million has been ...
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